SicExcels -:- RAINMAN
     Stands for Remote Automated INformation MANager. Rainman is an AOL staff tool used to create, update, and view AOL areas, and the forms there-in. VPD, or Visual Publisher Designer is another tool used with Rainman. These tools are not meant to be taken lightly, but we try :) ...

|> Info <|> Token/Arg Lists <|> AMPerage <|

     There's plenty of Rainman info everywhere, and I'll bet you can find most of it right here :) ... But, if you do run across anything not on this page feel free to send it to us or let us know where we can find it.

file size description author
rainman.doc 45k Description and explanation on use of the RM Tool AOL 151k Description and explanation on use of Visual Publisher Designer Archive includes both txt and doc formats AOL
TokenTypes_Basic.txt 1k Basic listing of RM token/arg types AOL
TokenTypes_Plus.txt 1k Extended listing of RM token/arg types AOL
ViewRulesTokenArgs.txt 3k Extended listing of viewrule codes and token/arg types AOL
PlusGroups.txt 1k Short listing of plus groups AOL 6k Rainman Plus command listings Included in this archive are: Basic, Editing, Graphics, HotLinks, & Special Commands, as well as EOC syntax summaries. AOL
SciptStarter.txt0 16k How to start a new script in Rainman AOL 34k Listing of AOL art AOL
RM_CheatSheet 8k The Digital City Rainman Cheat Sheet DC Staff
RM_GlobalIcons.txt 12k Global listing of AOL icons AOL
RM_MiniIcons.txt 1k Listing of AOL mini icons AOL
RM_NewPWCommand.txt 2k RM NewPassword command explanation AOL

|> top <|> info <|> token/arg lists <|> AMPerage <|

Token/Arg Lists

file size description author
CX_eB.txt 1k eB token list variable ×tç
CX_f1-32.txt 28k f1 token list file(1/2) variable ×tç
CX_f1-40.txt 17k f1 token list file(2/2) variable ×tç
CX_MR.txt 5k MR token list variable ×tç
CX_t1.txt 42k t1 token list variable ×tç
CX_U1.txt 17k U1 token list variable ×tç
CX_U2.txt 6k U2 token list variable ×tç
CX_U3.txt 18k U3 token list variable ×tç 26k Many fairly unsorted tokens by a lot of people lotsa peeps 26k Very unsorted, very many people contributed lotsa peeps
ChatKOOL_f1.txt 10k f1 tokens scanned and then posted to an AOL message board actually on AOL Chat KOOL

|> Info <|> Token/Arg Lists <|> AMPerage <|


file size description author 153k RAINMAN Plus Areas and Items for you viewing pleasure variable ×tç 13k Beta Central XTC! variable ×tç 29k The Community Center, as it was before... well you know variable ×tç 15k RAINMAN ACCESS! Take a wild guess what that means... and this is an original variable ×tç

|> Info <|> Token/Arg Lists <|> AMPerage <|