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Latest Sic-ness...
Welcome to the new and improved site of SicExcels...  Like the redesign?  Improvments are being made as quickly and as often as possible.  We are kind of short staffed.  There will soon be a message board, a coding (programming) section, tricks, and maybe a little anti-aol shit.  If you have any suggestions or contributions, e-mail us.
About AOL... Can we make you Sic?
America On-Line. We have all heard that at one time or another.  On the television, in conversation (ours or someone else's) and all over the internet.  So, you've heard of it, but what is it?  What is it really?  This is where you will find out  We want you to leave here more knowledgable about AOL; how it works, who makes it work and how to make it stop working :) . Wanna be Sic?  All you have to do is contribute to our site.  We need all kinds of AOL related material, so anything you've got just send it our way.  Hey, it might even make you famous!
Last Updated:  02.05.2000 Page Load: